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Money is a complicated thing. Trillions of dollars worth move every single day, but $27 Trillion Dollars of that is global debt? But what does that mean? In this video we explain what global debt is, who owes it and to who?
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I'm quite sure USA has the biggest debt in the world.
Tl;dw: China owns the world.
How about raise taxes?
Johny owes Ted 1M
Ted owes Sally 2M
Sally Owes Lilly 4M
Lilly Owes Alen 10m
Alen Owes U.S.A goverment 277T dollars
Moral of the story…
Britain's time's up
USA's time's up
Its China's time now
Or…….. stay with me now. If a government wants to build something for the public. They can open central account where people can donate money into to have xyz built and it don't get built until the money amount is achieved.
We owe this money to our future generations for over exploitation of resources which is effectively borrowing from future
You should do a video on how Bill Gates wants to kill Africans and how this corona shit is fake.
You could fix all the debt by simply printing more money. Who cares if prices inflate, just print more to pay the higher price! Simple. Currency crashes, and new currency comes in? No problem. Print more of the new currency. At the end of the day, the ground has practically unlimited resources, and businesses won't ever stop manufacturing. There will always be plenty of goods for everyone, even if manufacturing drops to 1%. Since the invention of machinery, 1 person can easily produce enough product for 100 people. The trick is to print just enough to pay debts off, and a little more to support struggling persons/businesses. But don't print much more than that, or people will get lazy because they have too much money and don't want to work anymore. But even then, as I said before, some businesses just won't ever stop manufacturing no matter what, and the ground has centuries worth of resources.
money is not a complicated thing.
It is made complicated with all kinds of mumbo jumbo terms which actually mean nothing.
There is a reason why they make it as complicated as possible:
The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. John Kenneth Galbraith.
And, well, there you go. The amount already says it.
277,000,000,000,000 DOLLAR!!!!!!
Because the economy runs on the Petro Dollar.
And who owns the Fed?
Its a private bank, you know.
Who has the monopoly on printing dollars.
As Greenspan once said: There is no other agency of government that can overrule actions we take.
So who are the puppetmasters?
Its not that difficult to see.
The Usury system.
They who control the credit of a nation, direct the policy of Government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people. Reginald McKenna
Instrumentalities like the national banks or the federal reserve banks, in which there are private interests, are not departments of the government. They are private corporations in which the government has an interest. US Supreme court 1928.
The Spirit of war and indictment, since the modern theory of perpetuation of debt, has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating."
The real truth of the matter is, as you and i know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
It better include the 100 bucks my friend owes me
Acts like all government spending is on transportation or infrastructure when it’s actually mostly stealing from Peter to pay Paul
Yeah 6% to sell our soul
most money is created out of thin air. as long as we live under a fractional reserve banking system money is a form of debt. watch " money as debt " on youtube. " money that can't be paid back won't be paid back " as old as time. planet ponzi is on the way out.
xi jingpin is the greatest president of any country ever. he should be the leader of one global government.
I had my hopes up for some intergalactic / hyper-dimensional financial institution the planet borrows money from.
Lost interest after 4 minutes coz I'm not too familiar with all these corporate business words, wish was babied down when explained
Rip the USA it will be owned by China thanks to biden.
The bigger problem with China lending money to developing countries is the conditions they set. Many times, as you noted they use the loans for infrastructure. China will dictate that to get the loan they must use a Chinese company for the project. That company many times creates and inferior product and the country is left with debt and no benefit from that what was built. Further China is manipulating the value of its currency so that it looks like it is worth more when compared to other currencies resulting the amount that needs to be payed back being higher than it actually should be. China's government is so evil Satan might be blushing.
Central banks are Satanic evil corporations who sell children into debt slavery before they are born. Remember $35 Trillion in public debt is only one trillion in US Treasury debt. That is because one US Treasury silver dollar is $35 in debt notes. This is the source of the problem, dishonest weights and measures, as debt and honest weights and measures as silver and gold. We are now dishonest and evil using dishonest weights and measures. Very evil. All due to central banks issuing debt.
TOP 10 is out of date, Portuguese debt is now 137% of gdp thanks to covid releaf
which video editor software do you use
Now can you have a look at national liabilities and unfunded liabilities? That thing that America has like $150T of, but nobody is talking about