Best debt counsellor in South Africa at the Debt Review Awards 2021, Best way of getting out of debt

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Riaan Cruywagen Does a finansiƫle nuus, skit for DCGsa on their win at the Annual Debt Review Awards 2021. (in their respective category)

Het u n professionele mening nodig oor hoe u u skuld moet bestuur? Wil u weet of u kwalifiseer vir skuldhersiening en die verlaagde maandlikse paaiemente en verlaagde rentekoerse? Vul ons begrotingsrekenaar in:…

Ek wil U uitnooi om vir ons al U vrae deur te stuur oor Skuldberading. U kan ons Whatsapp by 0614328499. Let daarop dat ons assesserings obligasie vry en 100% vertroulik is.

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ons by 086 100 1047 te skakel, of kontak ons per e-pos by Ons assesserings is 100% vertroulik en verpligtingvry.

Credit Providers are aggressively pursuing collections after the end of payment holidays .
Due to retrenchments, salary cuts, and short time, consumers are financially stressed and unsure of their future.
We will probably see this situation get worse for the foreseeable future before it finally starts getting better.
If you would like a plan for your financial future let us assist you with REDUCED DEBT REPAYMENTS and REDUCED INTEREST RATES that your credit providers will accept.
Call us today so you can have a stress free tomorrow.
086 100 1047

Thanks MyFanPark for making the video possible.


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