Our government is now so deep in debt, that taxpayers must spend a trillion dollars a year…
Just on the interest!
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Our politicians won’t address our ever-growing national debt.
Instead, they brag about how much they spend.
The few times they do mention our debt, they lie.
Biden: “We literally cut the federal debt in half!”
Give me a break!
Our debt is now growing by a trillion dollars every 100 days.
It’s crucial that we cut spending, or at least, slow its growth.
Here’s our video on what might happen if we don’t:
Argentina is making a difference, yes?
Are Government has a spending problem
I think its also important to be horrified by WHAT we went in debt for – and how much of that process played out. Vote-buying and keeping people dependent – crushing their humanity – power-grab by the government is what we got for all the debt. Now we have a sick society in many ways. America NEEDS a REVIVAL of patriotic spirit to make things right and learn to never do that again!
Dollars have no intrinsic value. Dollars represent the value of something real. That is all they do.
I been hearing this issue for years.
STOSSEL FOR PRESIDENT. Will you run already?!
I say: Close the entire government down for about a year.
Our nation needs a Tracfone budget. ????
It's 100% the plan. Bankrupt the people and we're easier to control
Get ready for higher taxes
I was spending $100k more than I made every year. Now I am only spending $50k more than I make every year. I cut my debt in half! Only someone in government would brag about that.
We need a lot of “Dave Ramsey” in our plans. We must spend less than the revenues from taxes. Then we can start to actually reduce the deficit. But, I remember how hated Newt Gingrich was by the MSM we he simply cut the growth rate of spending. No one who believes in modern monitory theory should be in our government. We should also read the 10th amendment. If the federal government started following this part of the constitution, then we would have to make massive cuts to our federal bureaucracy. Which would reduce spending. . .
Sadly, we have reached a point where politicians spend money to buy votes. Which means we are likely on the road to destruction.