Are you struggling under the weight of debt? Maybe its student loans from your education or overdue credit card payments? Whatever debt you find yourself fighting, Patrick Gill shares time tested strategies that will help you pay it off faster and save money. Strategies that if you implement, will help you make debt a friend again.
After honing his skills as a Financial Adviser, Patrick helped to pioneer the role of a Banking Consultant to one of Canada’s largest, financial institutions. He spent the next decade giving expert advice to countless industry professionals and institutions such as the Toronto Police Services and the Canadian Armed Forces. Companies like Sony Canada, Edward Jones, and Adidas Canada have benefited from his strategies in cash flow management. His radio interviews on TALK 640 have helped him to spread his message to many seeking financial advice. But his greatest and most rewarding contributions have been in changing the lives of thousands of Canadian families that he has helped in restructuring their debt, savings and day-to-day banking more efficiently. Now, as a Regional Vice-President, Patrick spends his time coaching and mentoring others to do the same.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
I was always taught to live below my means. If you do that you’re able to save and then invest.
Men, it’s not our job to lavish our mates. That’s an antiquated concept. Lots of women earn more than men now. Women are your partner and both should be working diligently for the greater good of the family unit.
The reason for student debt are not banks, banks only take advantage of the system and make things worse. The very reason is the rising tuition cost which goes back to the greedy, arrogant tenure professors and college administrators. Of course there are dedicated professors, but as a closed and privileged system, many of the professors are protected to earn an well-above average salary and benefits, as well as a gold-plated DB or DC pension plan, and fully aware that many of their students will not find a good enough job to dig themselves out of the student debt.
Strike debt.
anyone ever wonder why basic finance is not required to graduate high school?? credit cards,mortages, interest and student loans etc…the basics. if kids had knowledge the banks would not be able to enslave them at 18… just a theory.
Thank you for these great videos
We need more of this message to get out there
Credit card companies are sharks wanting us to be indebted to them till we die
I love TedX
The question to ask is – why we are getting into debt in the first place. The banking industry want you to get into debt.
Hey everyone! Our household has paid off approximately $26k in 16 months by counting and creating our nickels! It is possible to beat the banking system!
Five Cents Matter!
I am really impressed and happy to hear the financial knowledge laid out here.
Great to hear this important message. I'm trying to manage my finances more sensibly and feel foolish about how much money I've wasted.