In this Star Wars: Clone Wars episode, Ashoka Tano and the Martez sisters fight the Pyke Syndicate, bond a bit, and there’s a special Mandalorian cameo that is going to have huge implications later in the season. As always, we found plenty of Easter Eggs and references as well.
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Written and Hosted by Ryan Arey (
Edited by Nora Lotfy
#CloneWars #Episode7 #EasterEggs #Season7 #Ashoka #Mandalorian
What did you think of the episdoe?
I always enjoy the your mom jokes
How do you know that that’s Ursa Wren?
This was so bad
3:13, I rewatched all the clone wars epidoses, and that's not a zygerian, idk what it is, but watch s4 clone wars and there is a ark in which we see zygerian, and they look nothing like this guy
wasting 3 episodes already on the klutz sisters is a travesty on this already too short of a season.
I think the other mando was the weapon smith from the mandolorion
“Execute them!”
Asohka shows up.
*prisoners again*
3:03 Is a Weequay not a Nikto
There was a clone trooper who had abandon the republic driving the speeder that asoka jumps over
This is the way.
That mystery alien looked like Pike to me…
Waste of a episode
I hope this season goes somewhere.
Funny how Trace, who builds ships and recently flew one for the first time is a better shot than hardened gangsters.
I immediately thought Luminara, too. Green skin, preachy, completely unable to relate to people – who else could it be?
That was not a Zygerrian, it was a Gotal, Zygerrians are the race that enslaved the Togruta
is there gonna be any actual clone wars this season lol
there was a clone driving a speeder
The writing of this Arc has been the worst iv seen in 7 seasons of the Clone Wars.
The 2 new characters are insufferable and this whole incident has just been them making one bad decision after another and ignoring Ashoka. They are literally dumb and dumber and the most incompetent characters of the whole damn series.
Worst part of this episode was the Pyke leader telling the Pykes to execute the 2 sisters. Ashoka then tries to break them out, kills a bunch of Pykes and then they get captured and the Pykes throw them in jail AGAIN instead of following their leaders orders to execute them.
Its such terrible writing.
The horned alien is a Gotal not a zygerian
Some reason the sisters face shapes remind me of Babu Frik
I’m sick of seeing this dogshit. Precious episodes thrown down the shitter with two characters no one could give a rats arse about. Fucking Disney
Wut’s the arrow even pointing at bruh
Videos like this make cringe so hard
3:16 isn't that a Pyke?
The torcher droid was a not to clone "99". Looks, and was crippled, like 99.
I e always felt that Gardulla the Hutts voice was copied from pro wrestler Dusty Rhodes.