Women typically earn between 23% and 35% less than men in South Africa for the same job. This is a stark reminder that the gender pay gap is still a huge problem in South Africa. This International Women’s Month, the National Debt Advisors shows that over 50% of women looking for debt help are juggling multiple debt burdens at once to make ends meet. Courtesy #DStv403
This is bllsht! There is no such thing as a "gender pay gap". If more women went into industry and became Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, Doctors, Lawyers, accountants etc… they would get paid exactly the same as men…. There is NO great conspiracy against women….
If mothers (and fathers) spent the time making sure their daughters do math and science at school and university, instead of entering them for beauty pageants (and telling them their only worth is in their looks) they would get at least the same pay as men, as women are generally more hard working and diligent than men….
You cannot however pay a hard-working secretary more than you pay a lazy Engineer….
here we go with the woke stuff again.
Please site the study that concludes that women are paid up to 35% less than men for the same job in South Africa. I doubt you can, and if not, that was highly irresponsible reporting on your part. Misinformation at its worst.
There is no gender wage gap. Hourly rate remains the same