As their children grow up parents face increasing need to develop and guide their wise formal use of money. In the teen years, acquiring a credit card is a first foray. Then purchasing a first auto comes along. As post-secondary education nears, student loans arise. Graduation moves a better auto and a first condo or home purchase to the horizon. Increasing complexity and monetary magnitude of loan needs can be a scary challenge for people relatively new to debt.
Debt is a 4-Letter Word, but it need not be! is a book series that helps parents and young people to effectively maneuver through first-time debt worries. In The College Experience the reader walks along as a fictionalized Dad and daughter go through her independent need for a credit card for ongoing college expenses, financing her college dreams, considering graduate school, and planning for post-graduation repayment of student loans. One observes Dad’s caring teaching path; taken atop informed, strategic borrowing strategies he shares and uses as they make important decisions and take vital steps together. You see a parent become less and less overseeing and a daughter more and more self-reliant.
Debt is a 4-Letter Word, but it need not be! The College Experience volume includes:
• 20 LESSONS about typical college-related debt needs young families face
• 42 detailed hypothetical SITUATIONS numerically covering borrowing circumstances commonly encountered in real life college experiences
• Step-by-step explanation of needed calculation techniques
• 39 easy-to-do EXERCISES for the reader to try the illustrated calculation methods
• Table-based aids to simplify/expedite applying the detailed calculations procedures
While pragmatic and detailed, the book is written in a fun, narrative style so the reader will enjoy learning what otherwise might be unexciting financial matters.