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Thanks guys!
I want my wheelbarrow to be shinier than that pile of junk that you're pushing around. Status is still valuable.
Bitcoin has no intrinsic value though
Hyperinflation is inevitable at this point: Bailing out the banks that are failing from the current interest rate regime, or covering deposit insurance claims if they are allowed to fail, will potentially create more money than the QE that would have prevented it. It's just a matter of when people lose all faith in the currency, and they certainly have grave doubts about it now.
It’s just ‘transitory’ borrowing…. Nothing to worry about. ????????????
Relax, it's part of the plan. They destroy the people's wealth and cultural institutions, and then come to the "rescue" with their authoritarian schemes.
I loved this soliloquy!
Fiat money…print as much as you want ..
But for how long?
A wheelbarrow with 2 wheels is better than one (not always.) But a wagon/cart can be pushed and pulled simultaneously.
???? we've heard this since 2008….people are not liable for the debts of USA…there is not social contract nor are we liable for the actions of parasites
Federal Debt could cause “Meltdown”….. If you didn't know….. This was the plan all along! You will own nothing and be happy! Everyone involved with WEF needs to be ARRESTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Democrat voters do not give a damn about DEBT their ideology keep printing those dollars. Screw the children or grandchildren they can defend themselves.
Keep some gold as safe haven. ????????????
The cake is already baked. Math shows that the sovereign, corporate and private debts are all unplayable. All that is left is default, whether done honestly (a declared default) or dishonestly (hyperinflation via continued currency printing & credit creation).
what adult is going to take responsibility for the economy..
Ah the MAGA ???? show.
It's just funny money. Billions amd trillions of funny money.
The Congress is deliberately trying to spend us into a crash so they can institute digital currency. A digital currency would give total control (including monitoring) of our money to the Federal Reserve and to the US Treasury. Remember when Yellen had banks monitor customers' accounts by searching and filtering customer transactions by using terms like "MAGA" and "Trump", searched for customers purchasing Bibles, and queried transactions with keywords like "Dick's Sporting Goods," "Cabela's," "Bass Pro Shops" and more?
In the future, there won't be a request, the feds will just do it–they'll have total access to your money and can freeze or even eliminate your accounts if they don't like what you're doing or saying. They'll be able to take money from your accounts automatically for taxes and there's nothing you can do to stop them. The government can also change the valuation of "your" money using digital currency, turning $100 into $110 or $90 as it suits their policy. There'll be no cash workaround because cash won't exist. You won't need a wheelbarrow.
This is the future they have planned for us, and piling up the debt to create a crisis is part of that. Remember, to them, crisis is opportunity.
Hard landing for sure
And Trumps saying lower interest rates again will fix it. We're all screwed.
Fed has to cut interest rates as govt's interest payments have icreased and going forward most of the tax collections will be used as interest payments.
Ludwig and the Crackup Boom… once price inflation hits 50% per month, the crackup starts to spread as individuals become more cognizant of what is happening … just before this time, those folks that are more perceptive will have taken their currency and traded it for physical goods. It's vital to be ahead, if only a week, of the crackup period. Once the crackup is rolling, you will see widely implemented price controls (completely ineffective) and store closings as merchants take their goods off the market. The govt will step in to Save the Day with Inflation Busting fiat injection, directly into personal accounts (aka stimi checks). Remember: the folks that are more in the know redefined Inflation as the increase in prices (nasty greedy capitalists); as we know, inflation has always been the increase in the quantity of fiat currency. Interesting times ahead…