Is a global debt crisis coming? | CNBC Explains

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Total worldwide debt is expected to continue growing over the coming months, despite having just climbed to a fresh all-time high. Given the three previous waves of global debt accumulation have all ended with financial crises, CNBC’s Sam Meredith takes a look at the risks associated with the latest build-up.

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#CNBC #Debt #Economy


Toni Ventura says:

If you take a loan to buy a mansion or buy most your wallet in stocks on the self assumption that you are a genius in economics , then its your fault . Nothing. to do with virus or finance . World bank interest on GOVT loans was at 1% before the crisis . It will now go lower.

There is actually too many assets out of the private sector after the bail outs of 08 & 13.

Silver Sundown Machine says:

Old news…this video should have been posted last September 18th.

Monsterpala says:

Funny how again and again we realize that the current money ecconomy is broken but noone cares (yet) and it still functions. Hope corona doesn t end this hope it ll go on.

Rationally Insane says:

Debts good. Besides we will just reset the whole system and create global currency. All is well.

Syd Clark says:

You very covered this topic, so at should we suggest others??

Put some meat on the bone.
Why this current bubble may burst. Is it because car finance, student loans, housing, bad loans, money exchange, covid-19 etc etc

C C says:

It started already.
Get ready for the ride !

Team Hunziker Vlogs says:

Just push the reset button ?

Gerardo Salas says:

Is it wise to buy government debt bonds rn?

??TV says:

People please wear mask to stop spread of the virus. Officials say it's not necessary because if they say so, medical supply will experience shortages.

jtcouch says:

Vaccine = wait 12-14 months. Treatment protocol = immediate effect.

Charl Herbst says:

The problem is simple, people spend what they don’t have to raise their standard of living.

Ryan Vanorsdel says:

We always talk about this. What we rarely talk about is "who is the end holder of the debt?"
Private international bankers.

James Gravil says:

Even the Lannisters wouldn't be able to pay off this debt.

Scott Maceachern says:

I know it's flippant in the extreme but who do we all owe the money to. Why don't we find the bastard and kill him. ( Copyright an Irish comedian whose name I can't remember right now cause I'm not sure I've bought enough toilet paper)

SteveVi0lence says:

Who cares? Most people are worried about not getting sick and not dying to coronavirus. One crisis at a time.

Jurgen Pagel says:

""" DEBT CRISES """ . WHAT DEBT CRISES . Everything is better then it ever was ??????

Inquisitor Generally says:

Nope. I don’t have any.

Claus Bohm says:

In other words we are fu… Maybe it's a good to to promote this …

NanoRussian Bot says:

Currency crisis, the electronic printing presses have already cranked up.

Daniel McMitchell says:

Let's remember though, when we cancel it all through, the debt is owed to commercial and central banks who just printed the money from nothing. The whole game is really just moving numbers around on a screen. It's only a crisis when the bankers decide they want a crisis.

Prit Singh says:

Damn your sh*tty ads CNBC

Seth Thomas says:

REALLY?! You think this is new info?!?!? This incredible, unfathomable world wide debt is just something that came around the corner last week and said "SURPRISE! I'm here!"
You people said the debt was a good thing, borrowing while times are good and "cheap" money helped us do things for the common good. Bullshit. Bullshit was called back in the late 70's when George H.W. Bush called Reagonomics "Voodoo Economics". The USA National debt has exploded since Ronnie RayGun's first term when he cut taxes for the rich, declared war on trade unions, and spent the US into the poor house. Neocons are borrow and spend and they throw stones at Democrats who are tax and spend.
You people said guys like Peter Schiff are just like some crazy old uncle telling you to pay as you go and save your money for a rainy day. You people said the stock market goes up forever, house prices will go up forever. Who cares if middle class Blue Collar jobs go over seas; You can buy a gallon of dill pickles at Wal-Mart for TWO DOLLARS!!!! Who cares if people don't have enough money working 60 hours a week to feed the kids and pay rent, just go get some Govt. money and "free" cheese! Put it on the taxpayers tab, cause we don't pay taxes anyway, just kick the can down the road. Economist like Art Laffer told us that will supercharge the economy and make it grow.
You people didn't want to face mathematical reality. At some point the National and world debt grows so big through compounding of interest that all the worlds GDP will do nothing but pay on interest of the debt. That is scary, end of times, zombies in the streets kind of shit and people have been talking about it since the 70's and nobody seems to give a damn, until now.

Tyler Beckley says:

What did these creditors do to create wealth other then create #s on a screen?

People create wealth, banks steal it.

Ryan Robinson says:

is this a real question?

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