Kick Credit Card Debt Now!: New Ideas for Cutting Expenses and Becoming Debt-Free

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If you have a short time to spend reading and a few bucks to spend, this e-book will affect the rest of your life, since credit card debt can seriously ruin your life. The benefits in this book are straightforward – it’s easy to learn what you need to do to climb out of that pit of debt. You can feel positive about your financial situation instead of negative – and it feels great! This book will help you whether you owe $500 or $50,000 in credit card debt. If you have been max-ing out cards trying to get ahead, you’re no doubt ready to face that debt head-on and slay it. We offer straight-forward techniques like: • Which cards to pay off first • Requesting lower interest rates from your credit card issuers • Doubling the minimum payments to pay off a card as much as 10 years more quickly • Budgeting accurately for maximum effect • How to cut back on all your expenses to free up cash • How to live without using credit, if that’s your goal It was doubtless very easy to get into credit card debt and it’s a lot harder to get out. Just a peek at our innovative techniques will let you know how to get out of credit card debt more quickly. Our system doesn’t take a degree to learn or follow. The rules are simple and easy to follow. They will help you to think of future wealth instead of current debt. Try it now. What do you have to lose? Years and years of credit card debt!


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