Debt-limit negotiations hit an impasse Friday as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy blamed the White House for resisting spending cuts, casting doubt on efforts in Washington to avert a catastrophic default. He spoke to reporters briefly in the US Capitol.
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Washington does have a spending problem its paying congressmen like McCarthy
To much salary money a year- (over 170.000 a year)
Its time to cut McCarthys salary to 15.000 a year
Thanks McCarthy, ruining everyone's BBQ weekend by triggering global depression. GOP next time don't send a sniveling submissive coward to negotiate on behalf of hundreds of millions of Americans.
if you want to decrease government spending, do this:
1) STOP SPYING on your allies!
2) CUT the military budget 10 times!
3) DEFUND the police!
6) ABOLISH the NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, etc!
7) LOWER the interest rate!
8) DESTROY prisons
9) BUILD rehabilitation centres!
10) DEREGULATE private entrepreneurship!
12) CANCEL tax benefits fir big businesses!
Republicans should use their leverage to get rid of Social Security and Medicare. They’ll complain but soon they’ll be dead and the Republicans will achieve their goal of getting rid of useless eaters.
The GOP wants the United States to default…they want chaos because they know the GOP cant win an election so they will attempt to install a dictator during ensuing chaos
The Israelis SWEAR they gotta keep printing our money to ashes. And these guys will eventually agree.
That about sums it up.
No one cares
You have to stop this crazy biden money printing govermont. Not show….Stop Biden !! Go to default!!!
You need to understand something you white Christian conservative zealot. If we default the red States will get hurt the most. That would be your Arkansas your Mississippi, Alabama your West Virginia your Kentucky and your Tennessee. And of course there are all the investors from Gen X to Millennials to Gen Z. Believe me when I say we have a bone to pick with white Christian conservative red States. Give us a reason to put our finances to work against you…..please.
This is kinda like House of Cards huh?
Don't raise it ever.
Boomers don't want to work anymore lol
Let’s just have a reset and default. Let’s face it it is long overdue.
Happy he is actually thinking about the future to cut spending,, others don't care
All done by design, biblical is what it is if we let them destroy our country! All part of the plan, they divided us and now we cant get together as one people and stand as one , they control this way! United we stand, divided we fall.
Good, we're headed off a cliff with the debt crises, and the longer we wait the worse it will get.