Earlier this month, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) questioned Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen on the national debt during a House Financial Services Committee hearing.
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How long do you think the people need to put up with this crap? All this government does is piss our money away!
It became a problem during the Presidency of FDR. That's how long Congress has been ignoring it. You've got 90 years of fiscal irresponsibility to make up for and you'll probably keep spending more every year instead.
Democrat spending is unlimited i guess.
so if her view is that the budget never needs to be balanced & its 34 trillion in debt. THEN WHY THE F, ARE WE PAYING TAXES?!?!?!? seriously. its time we all band together and stop paying our taxes because the people that run this country, DONT EVER PAY THEIR DEBT. they just keep BORROWING FROM FUTURE GENERATIONS. AKA MINE AND ONE DAY , MY KIDS. all our government does is give our tax money to illegals anyway.
JayYe is a hypnotist, when she speaks, it's tourture, why oh why is she Still handing things
Yellen can talk for hours………and say nothing.
Print money til it's worthless. That's the idea. Then they will want to reset the whole system and put us all on a Govt crypto currency.
in what reality does she live
"I don't think the budget needs to be balanced" WOW……. Did she really just say that? She needs to go. This is why we're in such massive debt
No deficit say I, a explanation i must lie
– Yoda Yellen
Putin is sitting in his easy chair watching the US destroy itself with spending. He can send a brigade of soldiers over the open border. Putin could see resistance to sending more money to Ukraine so he supposably kills a Russian prisoner and Biden goes on TV "see we need to send more money" Ukraine will never win a war with Russia!
Pie 3.14 goes on forever but none of you will
Sad that a Rep has to explain basic economics to the Treasury Sec / Ex Fed Chief. And she still doesn't get it.
Jan sounds as geriatric as Brandon
Has any country in history ever been mismanaged as badly as America
The government sucks , AMERICANS
Mutual self destruction is a crisis management policy … "One neck ready for one leash."
Collectivism is their standard. Altruism their ethics.
& Do u for one second believe your genetic future not in the Catholic mix? ????
Blah blah same garbage = same outcome
OMG these clowns are so full of &^*(
Illegal immigration will cause Economic Instability
While Lawlessness allows Shop lifting
While Lawlessness allows Criminals to Cross the border
While Lawlessness Allows A Incompetent President Control of the Military
While Lawlessness puts America LAST…
Democrats Continue to Cover up for Lawlessness…
They just lie and lie and life in a fiscal fairyland because they really dont care about anything but now. They come up with their own ideologies when coming up with figures. All not correct and all unproven.
Scary times. Print our future away. Especially young people. They have no real reasons to make me feel optimistic. And they take all the time to sugar coat answers. Shameful
arrest the cenrtral bankers
National Debt. You cant give almost a trillion dollars to the Ukraine have an unsecured boarder and expect to survive. All the crooks in congress all the multi million dollar back door deals and insider trading that they are doing to make them selves rich is a joke…… What do they think those millions they screw the American public out of will be worth when the US dollar is worth nothing.
I’m tired of the Republican Party’s crocodile tears over the national debt. The only president in our lifetime to manage a surplus budget to reduce our debt was a Democrat. And he used Reagan’s “Pay-Go” to do it. Every Republican since (and including) Reagan’s 2nd Term has violated Pay-Go to increase our national debt. Our national commerce infrastructure is like a house we finance to meet our future needs. Unfunded lobbyist tax cuts are like asking your employer to cut your wages AFTER you finance your mortgage. There are only 2 explanations for violating Pay-Go for tax cuts.
1) Monument STUPIDITY.
2) An attempt to change a nation’s government by DESTROYING a nation’s government. That policy is only used by a nation’s ENEMIES.