If you are looking for a common-sense approach to personal finance and money management, then Personal Finance For Beginners In 30 Minutes, Vol. 1 is for you! In just a half-hour, you’ll pick up practical tips and even a few tricks that will help you control spending, reduce debt, and take a smarter approach to managing your financial resources.
Personal Finance For Beginners In 30 Minutes, Vol. 1 does not feature heavy-duty financial jargon or gimmicky “easy money” schemes. Instead, the guide uses common sense, easy-to-understand language, and lots of examples to show you how to cut expenses and save more money for the things that really matter in life. Topics include:
Aligning spending with priorities Income, assets, and equity Flexible vs. fixed expenses Limiting luxury spending and online shopping How to shave thousands off of telecommunications and utility bills Cutting car costs Refinancing explained Dealing with credit card debt Online banking and alternative payment systems Using software to track expenses and budgets
The ultimate goals of Personal Finance For Beginners In 30 Minutes, Vol. 1 are to help you understand your finances, cut costs, and make sensible decisions about spending which are aligned with your life priorities. Some of the tips can help you start saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars on everything from cable TV to credit cards.