Tye Bourdony of cfmediationcenter.com discusses with Mac and Natalia of OPLawyers.org how to settle small claims court lawsuits involving debts such as credit card debts. Particularly how non-lawyered defendants can negotiate with the other side at mediation the most-effective ways to resolve a debt claim.
Published by attorneys and mediators of at InstantMediations.com and OPLawyers.org this channel covers the exciting world of law, mediation, arbitration, and online practice using technology.
Florida mediator Tye Bourdony of Cfmediationcenter.com discusses debt collections type of cases in small claims court and how they too can be resolved privately between the parties instead of before a Judge. This is not legal advice, so be sure to discuss your specific issue with an attorney.
Published by attorneys and mediators of Olowska & Pierre, Inc. (oplawyers.org) and Instant Mediations, LLC. (InstantMediations.com), this channel covers the exciting world of law, mediation, arbitration, and online practice.
Judge Deanne Darling
Small Claims Mediation in Clackamas County
A businessman on how he was able to sort out a dispute about a small claim over the telephone using the court’s mediation service.
More information at www.direct.gov.uk/courtanddebt