[Divorce] Videos

How do the finances get split in a divorce or separation? Caitlin Jenkins, experienced family and divorce lawyer at top 50 UK law firm Mills & Reeve, answers questions frequently asked by people trying to navigate their way through the complex legal process of divorce. Mills & Reeve has one of the largest family law teams in the UK and firmly believes in helping clients to help themselves. This video is part of a suite of information for those going through divorce or separation, made freely available on http://www.divorce.co.uk

The tax laws and different rules and regulations are vast when it comes to the division of assets during a separation or divorce. Although, a simple division of property seems to be easiest, very often tax inefficiency comes into play when couples try to take the easy, 50-50 approach.

Take the time to educate yourself and be sure to hire the appropriate professionals that will guide you not only from the legal standpoint, but also with respect to the financial and tax planning side when it comes to your upcoming separation agreement.

In this video Deanna visits with Tracy Kendel from Fairway Divorce Solutions to discuss some of the most important factors when considering the separation of assets and the planning of a separation agreement.

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How to Get What you Want in Divorce Mediation | Ask a Divorce Mediator // When couples decide to proceed with separation or divorce, they often feel unprepared and alone. In therapy, Parallel Wellness works with couples contemplating “Is my marriage over?”, “Should I get divorced?” and “Can i save my marriage?” In this video, we interview Paul Sweatman of Dignified Divorce Vancouver, a divorce mediator to gain insight into the mediation process, how to avoid mediation conflict, and his advice on divorce and separation. Before divorce, couples may seek couples counselling or even attend counselling for divorce and separation throughout their medication experience.

In this video, Paul covers his top divorce advice, divorce mediation tips and divorce tips for couples getting divorced, how to amicably divorce with kids, managing spousal and child support agreements, and his divorce legal advice. He also shares about supporting clients when they choose to stop divorce.

Paul Sweatman – Dignified Divorce Vancouver
BLOG POST: Marriage as a Flight: https://www.parallelwellness.ca/marriage-divorce-mediator/

Stay Connected as a Couple | Gottman Seven Principles: https://youtu.be/fzEG8dUbUlg
Survive Quarantine with Your Partner: https://youtu.be/m30x7SiNbsM
Coping with Social Distancing During COVID-19: https://youtu.be/yQK-yfPQ5Ko
Gottman’s Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse: https://youtu.be/HO6kz6iyVg0
How to Make Relationships Work: https://youtu.be/ave0Kuhrxzo

Twitter: https://twitter.com/parallelwellnes/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/parallelwellness/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parallelwell…

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Studio lights – https://amzn.to/3eQuJLG

MUSIC: Mama’s Whisper by The 126ers

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The advice and opinions expressed in this video are not a substitute for therapy or medical treatment. The information contained in this video is intended to provide general information on matters of interest for the personal use of the viewer. While every effort has been made to ensure the information shared in this video has been obtained from reliable sources, we do not hold responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.

Any comments expressed are the opinions of individual viewers and do not necessarily reflect the view of Parallel Wellness or their associated partners.

We encourage seeking professional help if you would like support for specific concerns. If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs emergency support, please contact the local crisis centre in your area. For Canadian and BC residents, please refer to the following for crisis support:

Crisis Services Canada
24/7 Toll Free Phone: 1 833 456 4566
Texting: 45645

Kids Help Phone
Text Services: Text “CONNECT” to 686868 (also serving adults)
Chat Services: (6pm-2am ET): kidshelpphone.ca

Youthspace.ca (NEED2 Suicide Prevention, Education & Support)
Youth Text (6pm-12am PT): (778) 783-0177
Youth Chat (6pm-12am PT): www.youthspace.ca

British Columbia:
Vancouver Crisis Centre
Crisis Chat: crisiscentrechat.ca
Northern BC
Prince George Crisis Line
Youth Support: (250) 564-8336
Crisis Chat: www.northernyouthonline.ca

Vancouver Island:
Vancouver Island Crisis Line & Chat
Crisis Text: (250) 800-3806
Crisis Chat: www.vicrisis.ca

A demonstration of an actual divorce mediation with Diana Mercer of Peace Talks as the mediator. http://www.peace-talks.com

For more information, contact Peace Talks Mediation at (310) 301-2100 or PeaceTalksLA@aol.com.

Diana Mercer is the co-author of Your Divorce Advisor and Making Divorce Work. She’s been an attorney for over 25 years but doesn’t look a day over 33.

Lori A. Grover, NCPM talks about the benefits of Divorce Mediation and how it works.

Mediation – For A Divorce You Can Live With

RI Divorce Mediation Center: For A Divorce You Can Live With

We help couples settle their Divorce and create their own divorce agreement.

Using Divorce Mediation we’ve helped hundreds of Rhode Island and Massachusetts couples create their own divorce settlement, and it’s one they’re satisfied with because they created it themselves.

Like you, they saw what other couples went through using attorneys to litigate and argue in court so they chose Divorce Mediation instead.

Why? Because by making your own decisions and settling your own divorce you control the cost and the outcome, sparing you and your children much of the stress and uncertainty that comes with every divorce, plus you’ll save thousands of dollars on legal fees for when you need it the most – after your divorce is over.

Let us help you make your divorce easier, faster and less expensive!

To schedule Your free consultation

Call 401-228-8789 NOW!

Consultations and Divorce Mediation via Tele-Conference and Skype Video-Conferencing in certain US states available, call for more information.

Divorce Your Debt was written to help the reader identify the key areas and situations in his or her life that represents bondage and debt. As individuals, we find ourselves getting involved in toxic relationships with people, things, bad habits, and our past experiences. After a while, we tend to become unconsciously “married” to these toxic relationships. Divorce Your Debt is a spiritual, emotional, lifestyle, and financial (SELF) toxicology test. It will allow you to examine yourself and the unconscious toxic relationships you have formed in each of the four major areas of SELF. Divorce Your Debt is a guide to wholeness. It’s a declaration of independence and a decree to become free from “every weight that so easily besets us.” It’s a conscious choice to become liberated from the chains, bondage, and traps of the enemy. We all need to divorce or rid ourselves of something in our lives, so we can truly follow God’s will and please the Master. Divorce Your Debt will guide you from debt to deliverance so you can set your SELF free!