Summons from creditors is one of the expected outcomes of a bankruptcy. Your creditors will file a case against you when you fail to pay. When this happens, you need to seek debt mediation. This kind of arrangement is also known as debt settlement. Usually, the creditor you owe money will hire a credit collection agency to represent them in the case.
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Life can be stressful when you have many creditors and not enough sources of income to repay the debts. To make matters worse, it can be hard to keep up with the repayment schedules if you owe different creditors.
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Shane shares his story with Debt Mediators and how the experience has changed his life.
As one of Australia’s longest running and most trusted providers of debt solutions, Debt Mediators have helped thousands of people, just like Shane, resolve their debt and start fresh.
Debt is a common part of life. However, not every consumer has been behind on their debts to a point wherein a collector is reaching out to you. The moment a debt collector tries to get in contact with you, you might feel intimidated, even scared. How do you deal with them? Or is your debt at such a significant point that a third-party collecting agency is called in for collecting payments to your debt? You can get free advice from debt mediators about how to deal with the situation.
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