[Pretoria] Videos

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Debt Counselling in Pretoria 083 229 8556

This quick video will give you the fastest and best way to solve your debt crisis.

Debt Counselling is not a payment holiday it was put in place for persons that is serious to take the next step and to get rid of their debts without losing their assets. New loans or more credit cards just fuels the high interest rate that put everybody in this position in the first place.

We help to asses and restructure your debt and we attain a court order to finalize and protect all your belongings.

The Debt Counselling process will take up to 60 working days from date of application until a Court date is set, so that the process can become legal.

Take action today BEFORE YOU RECEIVE A SUMMONS and call us to make a well informed decision. We will help you step by step through the process. Over indebtedness does cause break down in relationships, stress, depression, sleepless nights.

Want more debt solutions – Visit my Youtube channel here
