Is it your intention to be debt free, or have more money??? Learn the same financial principles the wealthy use to get all the big buildings while we have all the little ones. It’s interesting, the only way to get approved for a loan, is to prove you don’t need one. We are brainwashed into believing we have to pay off all our loans before we can become successful. But why? Who is teaching this? I believe it’s the big banks and financial institutions who teach us to be debt free before saving for ourselves, and their agenda is very clear; get all of our money as fast as they can. This book exposes the truth behind how banks actually make money. It will show you the difference between compounding interest and amortized interest. You will learn the difference between the types of debt; the good, the bad, and the ugly. It will give you the tools necessary to create your own wealth, and if you do it correctly, with as little risk as possible.