The Debt Review (Funny Movie Review)

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One Schmoe took on a secret mission to see “The Debt”, the new thriller from John Madden. Would this cast help ease Ellis into the fall season? Or would he already miss superheroes running around in tights?? Enjoy!

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Drake Santiago says:

This was one of the best movies of 2011. Jessica Chastain was not only gorgeous, but the epitome of a strong woman. The action sequences had a great impact, and you could totally empathize with the opposing perspectives of each character. I thought it was criminal that this movie did not get a wider release and more recognition.

alittleolder says:

Finally saw it today.. very, very good movie..

TheRealHeyLo says:

I loved this movie and I keep telling people they need to see it. I work at a theater though, so I notice it's mostly older people and everyone is seeing contagion or the help. I don't know why no one is seeing this! It's really well done

KT1419 says:

@schmoesknow Turns out we were terrified for nothing. Great game tonight! Go Redskins!!!

Debi Ramaty says:

Lean nuestra reseña en español de “The Debt”!

moviefan978 says:

great review i would like to see this ill have to wait a bit though.

Thunderteeth says:

great review and i thought this movie was done very well too

kalitko says:

Great review.

chadrageus says:

" I sound like a movie critic." Aren't you a movie critic?

K Smith says:

Mark I'm glad you said it! I'm like beyond infatuated with Helen Miren.

Mike McCabe says:

how long does it take you to think of reasons for why Kristians not there?

bobertochuck says:

@schmoesknow ok thanks i think im gonna see departed

Trencher1375 says:

@schmoesknow I meant that you said they did not actually capture the nazi.

Tristan Lipton says:

amazing van halen shoes.

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