The US Literally Cannot Repay Its National Debt.

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The Congressional Budget Office has admitted that the US national debt cannot be repaid. So what’s the solution from the US Government and Federal Reserve, will this weigh on the election, and what will the result be for the stock market?

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? ? CONTENTS ? ?
0:00 The U.S. Can’t Repay Its Debt
1:00 How the Government Goes Into Debt
4:00 The Size of the Deficit
8:15 Inflating Away the Debt
12:40 Fixing the Deficit

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Brandon van der Kolk is authorised to provide general financial product advice in Australia and is an Authorised Representative (Number 1305795) of Guideway Financial Services Pty Ltd, AFSL Number 420367. Any advice is general & does not consider your financial situation, needs or objectives so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. Read Brandon’s Financial Services Guide available from Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future investment returns.

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@user-03-gsa3 says:

Das ist nicht gut

@mladenmatosevic4591 says:

It is not surprise many countries look to reduce own exposure to dollars, which West calls "De-Dollarization".

@jjshow8572 says:

Charge illegal immigrants a 65% income tax for citizenship and no benefits to help pay our national debt.

@venstomon931 says:

This is very very interesting

@mdeshahnawaz says:

They have money to arm Israel and Ukraine but not to pay debt????

@skipstalforce says:

Owed mostly to US retired persons.

@julyseven808 says:


@urbansurvivor2391 says:

Purposely creating inflation to make it easier to pay back your debt will cause investors (bond buyers) to seek alternative investments.
If I had purchased US bonds and my investment was eroded away by inflation I would be very upset and would never buy US bonds again.
I don't think it's a good strategy to upset your investors.

@FullChick-h4l says:

Rodriguez Christopher Anderson Patricia Lee Mary

@rayalvarez7247 says:

How much we spend in the 20 year occupation of the Middle East? 2 trillion?

@sanatanihindu383 says:

Just imagine when US $ will no longer be international currency in next 10 years, US will never able to print more USD when countries stop using USD Internationally

@JacobSkatezz says:

How is the US in debt when the government gives so much of our tax money away to everyone else except Americas

@peterbedford2610 says:

Real inflation… Prepare

@villagerjj says:

The reason why is because the US dollar is backed by debt

@calvinang1 says:

Just increase taxes. Done

@kritsdja says:

Build more military bases and create another global economic crisis.

@empacttv3954 says:

In 1933 the gold standard was abandoned as a global monetary system. 1971 Nixon terminated the convertibility of the U. S dollar to gold. It was replaced by fiat money. Thus, U. S or any country for that matter will ever runout of money.

@JC-Utopic-Gauntlet says:

Every dollar printed is owed back plus interest. This is nothing new

@Drunken_Hamster says:

I mean, Social Security is going insolvent anyway, and Medicare is pretty much a sham because our entire hybrid healthcare system is the worst of both worlds and then some. If you drop those two alone we'd be in the black.

@user-hu1um2xk5h says:

Money isnt worth anything. People have placed all of their faith and livelihood in a thing that is worthless.

@webmandman says:

If we made it our goal to pay off our debt, all 34 trillion, for how long would the world suffer?

@tomjo9838 says:

Never should have been allowed to start a deficit in the first place.

@wjcolby says:

Disband the Federal reserve and have the US treasury once again make our money , collect the money other countries owe us, charge them for all military assistance and protection and raise tariffs on anything not made in America. Hold all politicians pay at national average and not allow anyone to become a millionaire doing public service.

@Anti-Ratshield-vel-Antysystem says:

Interes on debt is at 23% not 13%. Great reset is comming.

@noct2750 says:

Debt celling is just mere number portrayed to public , the card is in their hand they can do whatever they wanted without consequences

@TC-ok4ng says:

the toilet is starting to flush say good bye.

@TC-ok4ng says:

when pension plans are pulling out of the market time to get out fast Yikes.

@experi093menter6 says:

Higher taxes on the rich… sorry Elon ????

@skullhart says:

Just don't pay it

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