When Is It Smart To Consolidate Student Loan Debt?
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Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show like you’ve never seen it before. The show live streams on YouTube M-F 2-5pm ET! Watch Dave live in studio every day and see behind-the-scenes action from Dave’s producers. Watch video profiles of debt-free callers and see them call in live from Ramsey Solutions. During breaks, you’ll see exclusive content from people like Rachel Cruze, Chris Hogan, and Christy Wright —as well as all kinds of other video pieces that we’ll unveil every day.
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Dave seems severely out of touch. $100,000 gross would mean take home (in my State at least) would be touching $70,000. The cheapest 1 bedroom apartment that is run down comes in at about $1800 a month, then add in normal things like gas, utilities, medical bills, conservative amount of food… and I don't see any chance of them being able to pay $50,000 a year. He is as bad as the lenders not assessing the holistic experience of bills and just hyper focusing on the loan payment as if that is the only thing they have to be accountable for.
how about 200k in 4 different loans all with over 9%? On top of government loans at about 190k at 3%. Household income of 137k and it will probably increase 5% within a year? Would you consolidate then? We Live off of 60k and the rest goes to loans.
Anybody have any good beans and rice, rice and beans recipes?
I hate how Dave says all the time "you overpaid for the degree" NO. They DON'T always overpay. State schools are still what.. best case $14-20k a year? that's pushing $80k for a four year degree. There's two of them. I think that amount of student loan debt is reasonable for two people who didn't have assistance from their parents and had to take out loans to go to school. Is it a ton of SL debt? YES? But it's not like they went to a $60k a year college and majored in ancient dance history…
? Rice & Beans
Rice & Beans
Rice Rice, Beans Beans
Rice & Beans Rice & Beans ?
Hello Dave I follow your Show on YouTube,…and Really helped me wake up from Financial Nightmare, but I am facing one problem and its the EveryDollar app for Budgeting which is not available in my Country. . .I can use other available free apps but Wanted EveryDollar to see if it has any different feature to apply the Principles you teach about. . .Thanks
I just consolidated all my debt into my car loan which already had huge equity built up. In the consolidation I saved so much on interest it will take me half the time to pay it all off. As you probably guessed it, my interest rate is wayyyyyyyy lower than it was. I went from loan on signature to loan with collateral. Smartest thing I've done since being in debt. I'll be out in only a year even on a steak and potatoes budget. Less time if I buckle down. Once out of debt I'm never going in debt for a car again. In fact I'll probably buy a junker car to preserve the nice new car I've already put so much money into so I have a chance at getting my money's worth out of it.
10th grade education. Make 70k a year
Work from home. Degrees are a fraud.
Everyone with money knows it. So go serv your corporate masters for 35 k a year and with that mandatory degree.
Worthless….. dump and lean churn and burn.
Married at 23 ?I did not meet my wife an till I was 30.
If you are BLACK watch the sermon “They Jacked Us” by Stephen Darby on YouTube. If you want to know who your people are. Who has taken your place and tries to hide your God given purpose in this world. Watch it if you want to understand what we were before we came to America. It’s not as simple as you think. African is not the answer. Not the whole answer. The tribe of Judah is waking up and the prophesy in the Bible’s Deuteronomy 28 is on its roll towards the time of Judgment. The curse on us is coming to a close. Be ready. Know who you are because once you’ve read this far God can officially hold you accountable for what you did and didn’t decide to do. Watch the sermon. It’s a very important piece of the puzzle that history because it changes the world as we see it. Avoiding this is a mistake.